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Driving solutions to our region's traffic jams
October 29, 2015, 6:30 PM, Kane Hall

The success of the Seattle Times LiveWire event series continued with “Gridlocked: Driving solutions to our region’s traffic jams,” an enlightening discussion about how to tackle traffic woes in the Puget Sound region and keep people and commerce moving forward. Local and national experts shared specific challenges and ideas for solutions to turn our transportation problem around.

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Event Speakers
Scott Kubly
Before joining the Seattle Department of Transportation as Director in 2014, he served with the Chicago Department of Transportation and the Washington, D.C., District Transportation system.
Mark Hallenbeck
Director of the Washington State Transportation Center at UW and a transportation engineering researcher. He is developing travel behavior performance reporting systems with WSDOT.
Bryan Mistele
As President, CEO and co-founder of INRIX, Mistele provides traffic intelligence, collaborating with companies and governments worldwide. He serves on the board of the Discovery Institute.
Jarrett Walker
President of Jarrett Walker + Associates, Walker is author of “Human Transit: How Clearer Thinking about Public Transit Can Enrich Our Communities and Our Lives.”
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